Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Street Art

Innocent, unsuspecting people walk through town each day... and then one day- BAM! Their eyes are attacked by art! Jumping into their daily lives... forcing them to stop and think about something or just appreciate the beauty around them.
I love street art.... so naturally when I stumbled upon Street Art Utopia I fell in love all over again. Take a minute to check it out and don't be surprised if you start looking at the world a little differently, seeing the possibilities for your own street art :)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Recycled Book Art

There are an array of artists creating interesting and beautiful artwork from recycled books. One of my absolute favorites, Brian Dettmer, uses surgical tools to carve into books, sculpting them into the most fabulous creations.

Su Blackwell creates intricate scenes from books, reminiscent of a pop-up book, the stories from the book emerge and come to life!

They are often displayed in a shadowbox format, with strategic lighting to enhance the mood.
The details are amazing!

Check out these artist's websites, or Google some of the following artists to be inspired even further!

Thomas Allen, Cara Barer, Ellen Bell, Doug Beube, Su Blackwell, Tracey Bush, Nicci Cobb, Casey Curran, Nicola Dale, Sheila Daniels, Brian Dettmer, Pam Garrison, Cuby Gerard, Mollie C. Greene, Nocholas Jones, Jennifer Khosbin, Lisa Kokin, Karin Langeveld, Guy Laramee, Jacqueline Rush Lee, Lana Manis, Kelly Murray, Betty Pepper, Susan Porteous, Alex Queral, Jim Rosenau, Georgia Russell, Deborah Schitmans, Kristin Sollenberger, Ilira Steinman, Mike Stilkey, Jill Sylvia, Veronika Anita Teuber, Robert The and Jason Thompson.

images above from the artists' websites